I was testing a method for support for UTF8 conversion the other day, and at first I had the japanese text written as string literals in the code (by setting the file to use a particular codepage) - and then I had a method that converted the japanese text to UTF-8, for use as input for a method.

But this is bad, because my code to convert code page to UTF8 might fail, and so the only proper way is to test literal input, with literal output. Roy osherove talks about this in his blog: http://weblogs.asp.net/rosherove/archive/2010/08/14/two-different-ways-to-create-bad-logic-in-unit-tests.aspx

To fix it in this case, I declared the UTF-8 input as an array of unsigned chars with specific values:

// arrange
unsigned char japaneseKanjiEncodedInUtf8[] = {0xe9, 0x80, 0xb1, 0xe5, 0xa0, 0xb1};

CComSafeArray<byte> kanjiAsUtf8;
kanjiAsUtf8.Add(_countof(japaneseKanjiEncodedInUtf8), japaneseKanjiEncodedInUtf8); 
CComVariant kanjiAsUtf8Var(kanjiAsUtf8);

// act
wchar_t kanji0 = XString(kanjiAsUtf8Var).operator BSTR()[0];
wchar_t kanji1 = XString(kanjiAsUtf8Var).operator BSTR()[1];

// assert
BOOST_REQUIRE(kanjiAsUtf8Var.vt == (VT_ARRAY|VT_UI1));
BOOST_REQUIRE(kanji0== 36913);
BOOST_REQUIRE(kanji1== 22577);

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16 March 2012